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The European Union policy for vocational education and training
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- Catégorie : Essay
- Date de publication : Mai 2022
- Éditeur : Stylit
- Distributeur : Hachette
- ISBN : 978-952-390-167-4
- Format : 148x210mm, 160 pages
- Pages : Noir et blanc sur papier offset 74g
- Reliure : Couverture souple, finition brillante
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Sixty years of vocational education and training policy in the European Union: this book presents the main developments, orientations, and achievements of the EU VET policy, and explains its rationale and functioning. The book shows how the European Commission, the Member States, the social partners, and civil society, interact through both the "Community method" and the "Open method of coordination" within the framework of the Copenhagen Process. The book highlights how the Union shapes Member States' approaches to the content of VET programmes, the conditions for accessing VET, and the acquisition, validation, certification, and international recognition of skills and qualifications.
Mots clés : Economics, Education, Political science
Note : Vous pouvez aussi commander ce livre en librairie.
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